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Day 24 Clean Up Your Vibes Challenge

Here are two beautiful little listens for you that were sent to me by a lovely friend x Om Mani Padme Hum is

a gorgeous Buddhist mantra that if while you listen, you chant along, it will raise your vibes in beautiful ways.

The meaning and use of this mantra is pretty long and involved so if you like it, you can do some rese

arch fro yourself. There are also lots of other beautiful versions to listen too, but I really loved this one.

in a very small nutshell, this mantra is said to purify a person's body, speech and mind, aligning them more with the Buddha nature that lies within us all. Basically it clears away fear and all the crap we carry on all levels so we can feel more deeply connected and live in a more enlightened way..... to me, this means raising your vibes.

It might be a nice idea to journal down some thoughts or ideas about how you feel once you have listened and chanted along x

Giant Loves

Shelley xxx


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