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Day 26 Clean Up Your Vibes Challenge

We put so much pressure on ourselves to get so much stuff done and we go into instant self criticizing mode when we don't manage to meet our own (often unrealistic) expectations..... But if we stopped and actually looked at what we have actually achieved, we might just be surprised and it may just give us a reason to celebrate ourselves rather than getting cross.

A beautiful friend of mine gave me this idea. Instead of writing a 'TO DO' list, why not, at the end of the day, write a 'Tah Dah!!' list which shows everything you HAVE got done. And I would imagine that many of the things you have achieved wouldn't necessarily have been on your 'To Do' list as so much stuff crops up randomly through the day. There are also the things that we do need to do, things that take time and energy but because we HAVE TO do them a lot, we don't give ourselves acknowledgement for getting them done.

Some days you will be on fire.... Wonderwoman or Superman and your 'Tah Dah!!!' list will be pages long.... other days, it might only consist of a couple of things. But on those days where we don't feel like we have achieved much, just making a 'Tah Dah!!' list can help us see that actually.... we've done okay x

Don't forget to include things like taking a shower, getting dressed, making lunch and very importantly... taking time for rest, healing & relaxation. Taking care of your own physical, emotional and energetic self is THE most important thing you can do.

Giant Loves

Shelley xxx


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