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Day 8 Clean Up Your Vibes Challenge

We spend an awful lot of time criticising ourselves and putting ourselves down. In fact for many of us it has become so easy to do this that we have developed automatic thought patterns which re-enforce our negative self thoughts every day! And what do these negative thoughts do? They lower our vibrations and make us feel nasty. For lots of us though, these thoughts have developed over such a long time, we do not even realise this is happening. Our negative thought habits about ourselves have become so deep rooted that it actually feels uncomfortable to bring in positive thoughts about ourselves!

So today's challenge step is this. Draw a heart in your journal and fill it with positive qualities....YOUR positive qualities. If you get stuck with this, tap into the Universe and ask Spirit how it sees you, ask Spirit what your positive qualities are because the Universe ONLY sees the good in you......Maybe it's time you took the same viewpoint.

So why are you so wonderful?

Giant Loves

Shelley x


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